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Już od 06.05.2016 r. rusza nasz ogólnopolski Konkurs dla Młodych Innowatorów pod hasłem: Od pomysłu do przemysłu. Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych do wzięcia udziału w Konkursie oraz podjęcia prawdziwego wyzwania naukowego.
Wasze pomysły oraz innowacje mają szansę zaistnieć w świecie i znaleźć praktyczne zastosowanie w przemyśle. czytaj więcej

Modern Technologies, Constructions, Materials for Chemical and Power Engineering

Industrial Park Metalchem Association incorporating companies working for chemical and power industries, Klaster Chem-Ster, Opole Centre of Economic Development , Mayor of Opole City and President of Silesian Province are honored to invite you to the 2nd International Conference dedicated to modern solutions in the field of technology, constructions and materials for chemical and power engineering.

During the Conference we are going to discuss the future development of chemical and power engineering as well as Polish technologies which can play important role in Europe and the world. We want to unite the needs of large groups and companies with potential of small firms and research institutions which wish to implement practical solutions. Exchange of ideas, presentation of cutting-edge technologies, the need to work in interdisciplinary teams and possibility to start collaboration will be the added value to this year conference. We hope that 2nd International Conference Modern Technologies, Constructions, Materials for Chemical and Power Engineering will bring new elements to your knowledge and will be the stage for exchange of experience between participants as well as opportunity to start new contacts and renew present ones.


Dokumenty i Formularze NTKM 2016 do pobrania

Oferta sponsoringu
► Zgłoszenie sponsoringu
Program prelekcji


Mecenas Konferencji: